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Department of Psychology, University of Dundee
ECEM12 Logo
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Poster Session A

Thursday Evening

(Posters will be on display throughout the day.)

Only first authors are listed for each presentation.

PA1 Task complexity and eye fixations: Correlations observed using eye trackers
A. Moise
PA2 Visual response in skill acquisition in a virtual laparoscopic training environment
B. Law
PA3 Patterns of eye gaze distribution observed during a simulated radiology visual conjunctive search task
A. Moise
PA4 Saliency determination for polygonal simplification
S. Howlett
PA5 Word predictability influences word skipping independent of word length information
S. J. White
PA6 Using eye-movements to investigate medication errors
R. Filik
PA7 Measuring eye-movements on mobile devices - Integrating head mounted VOG with magnetic tracking
K. Lukander
PA8 Crowding affects saccadic search performance
B.N.S. Vlaskamp
PA9 The effect of fixation offset on exogenous and endogenous saccades
A. von Mühlenen
PA10 Eye movements in children with ADHD and OCD
C. Vorstius
PA11 Occular parameters as indicators of mental workload
C. Wartenberg
PA12 Braking as a constraint on drivers' gaze patterns
S.D. Rogers
PA13 Target stimulus intensity modulates multimodal visual-somatosensory interaction effects in saccade generation
R. Amlôt
PA14 Is the meaning of emotionally-laiden words picked up from the parafovea during reading?
T. Häikiö
PA15 Idiosyncrasies in scanpath behaviour due to task and stimulus content
P.E.G. Bestelmeyer
PA16 Neural correlates for memory- and viually-guided saccades investigated with event-related fMRI
M.R.G. Brown
PA17 Pupil dilations under different conditions of memory load
R. Cabestrero
PA18 Spatial encoding of information and selection of hypertextual links
T. Colombi
PA19 Unrecognised errors of saccadic inhibition and cognitive impairment in Alzheimer’s Disease
T.J. Crawford
PA20 The interaction between verbs and objects in a modular architecture
R.G. de Almeida
PA21 Preparatory set activity associated with pro-saccades and anti-saccades within the primate prefrontal cortex
J.F.X. DeSouza
PA22 Modelling eye movements in visual search
R. Engbert
PA23 Analysis of information acquisition processes during reading of print advertisements in conjunction with television commercials based on eye movement data
H. Aoki
PA24 Scanning eye movements on web page
N. Aoyama
PA25 Representing lexical stress during silent reading: Evidence from eye movements
J. Ashby
PA26 Reliability and practice effects of smooth pursuit, fixation, and saccadic eye movements
U. Ettinger
PA27 Eye movements during poetry and prose reading
M.H. Fischer
PA28 Human saccadic fatigue and its selective compensation
M. Fujita
PA29 Eye movement and behavioral assessment of the control for visual stimulus properties and semantic content conveyed by images within multiple-choice displays
B. Hallowell
PA30 The effects of animated banners on eye movements while reading web pages
C. Hau
PA31 Eye-micromovements facilitate hyperacuity and signal detection in the visual system
M.H. Hennig
PA32 Measuring eye movements during multitask performance
K. Hirvonen
PA33 Change blindness during simulated blinks and saccades: A direct comparison of static and dynamic conditions
S.M. Dornhöfer
PA34 Pro-Antisaccades
N. deSouza
PA35 Sustained smooth eye movements during motion imagery
C. de’Sperati
*PA36 Improving the quality of human expert cytological slide inspection
L.R. Coombes

*Unconfirmed at present.

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